ATP is aware that each financier is guided by a customised mandate. We invite you to create your profile and indicate your financing criteria and compliance requirements. The platform will weigh the fundamentals of live trades with your financier mandate and alert you of possible deals to explore plugging into.
b. Types of products/goods to be financed
c. Type of finance being offered or required:
Asset-Based Lending
Supply Chain Finance
Purchase Order Financing
Commodity Finance
Transactional Margin Finance
Import Finance
Pre-Export/Bill of Lading Finance
Debtor Finance
Letters of Credit
d. Acceptable risk of transactions
Product risk
Liquidity of the product if payment is not realised by the buyer
Perishability of the product
Location/Country risk
Track record of the buyer and seller
e. Required credentials of the buyer and seller
Especially in the case of trade finance where credit insurance is required on the buyer
f. Logistics Insurance